November 15, 2007

Poll Results

The Results are in from my blog-reading audience.

The MOST is trying to think of a list of people who might be good at teaching other artists about humor, or who might give us solid insights into what is funny. If you have ideas for other people, use the comments section of this blog to let me know.
Results after the jump!

Lone Twin - 7 votes
Amsterdam City Employee - 5 votes
4 Votes:
David Sidaris
Werner Herzog
John Cleese
Rudy's Jr. High friend
3 Votes:
Dr. Hoffenmittlerhymendorfenmutter
Nature Theater of Oklahoma
San Keller
Bob Obenkirk
2 Votes:
Andy Dickson
Geostationary Banana Over Texas
Royal Art Lodge
Michel Gondry
David Cross
Motivational Speaker
Carnival Barker
Steve Martin
1 Vote:
The Biggest Fags Ever
Wim Delvoye


Rudy said...

Brad Adkins

Billy said...

Neal Hamburger!

cyrus w smith said...

John Cleese wins, I was visiting to vote for him.

But you forgot Terry Gilliam.