October 23, 2007

Desired Outcomes Workshop

Each consensus workshop is sort of "bookended" by something called a focused conversation. These conversations are meant to get people thinking about what they're about to do, or where they've just been - focusing them on what the intents, outcomes and future work of the workshop is going to be.

I'll put the content of the two focused conversations I lead for the consensus workshop below.

I spent a lot of time thinking about how to start our work on this project. Initially I was trying to decide between starting by discussing what kind of ideas we have for the show, or how we wanted to structure the show, but realized that these approaches would be kind of jumping the gun. With the help of Jen, the S of the MOST, I decided to start our group process with a discussion of our desired outcomes for the show. Jen helped me see that we should have an agreed upon destination in mind before setting out together on the endeavor of deciding content.

Intro Focused Conversation:
Topic: Focusing the group for a consensus workshop about the "Art Takes Place" request for proposals
Rational Aim: To refresh the memory of the group about the content of the RFP, and to gain facts from the RFP (provide copies of RFP for participants to have in hand while doing this)
Experiential Aim: To have participants be excited for the project, and to feel connected and involved in it

Opening: In order to focus for this workshop, let's have a quick conversation about both some of the facts we know about the RFP as well as take a look at our own ideas about it.

Objective Level Questions: (intent for this level: get attention of the group with easy questions, invite participation and recall facts/phrases from the RFP)

  • Looking at the RFP, let's go around and flesh out some of the details. Who can give me the: deadline, dates of the show, budget, criteria

  • What are some words that stick out to you?
  • What other phrases stuck out in your mind?
Reflective Level Questions: (intents for this level: evoke the use of imagination, reflect on themes , personally engage participants)
  • What part of this opportunity is the most exciting to you?
  • Which parts of the RFP seem unique to this region?
  • Which parts seem kind of "par for the course"?
  • Which parts seem the most challenging?
Interpretive Level Questions: (intents for this level: connect the RFP to the group, empower group to identify with others, help participants internalize the challenge ahead)
  • What are some of the most important parts of the RFP to keep in mind as we move forward?
  • What are some of the implications of working on this as a group vs. as individuals?
  • On a personal level, what meaning does this project have for you?
Decisional Level Questions: (intent for this level: deepen sense of ownership over this project)
  • What would accomplishing this project successfully mean for our group? For our program? For the people who see our project?
Closing: It seems like we have generated some really insightful (or fill in blank here) comments and thoughts about this project. As part of the consensus workshop, we will need to answer a workshop question. I've thought about this question quite a bit, and would like to propose the following:
"What are our desired outcomes for this project?"
The reasons I chose this question are: That we should make sure we have the same shared goals before setting out on the project, that this will help us to develop our vision/scope of the project. Can I get some head nods if you are willing to accept this question as a starting point for this workshop? Does anyone have questions about it?
Post question on wall.

Closing Focused Conversation
Topic: Evaluating the product of our consensus workshop - prioritizing
Rational Aim: To move from meaning to action, to develop action steps
Experiential Aim: To feel complete, ready to move forward

Opening: We have a lot of information here. Let's try and prioritize the results of this workshop.

Objective Level Questions:
  • Let's go around and read the column names aloud. Read them as though you are answering the workshop question. For example, "Our Desired Outcome for this project is to ..."
  • Which of these catch your attention?
Reflective Level Questions:
  • Which of these surprises you?
  • Which of these is most exciting/intriguing?
  • Which one are you most passionate about?
Interpretive Level Questions:
  • How does having this information effect your original ideas about this project?
  • What will be required of us in order to meet these outcomes?
  • What are some of the important decisions we still need to make as a group?
Decisional Questions:
  • What are some of our options for moving forward with this information?
  • What do you hear the group saying is highest priority?
  • What is our next step? Who will do it? When?
Closing: Thank you. See you at x date for continuation of this.

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